About us

We would be happy to apprise you that All Devvaani Astro solutions management persons are very reputed astrologers and has selected a genuine team astrologers after proper screening to provide best guidance and accurate predictions to lovers of Astrology.

Dev vaani is the best astrology website/App for online Astrological guidance with a very learned team of Vedic astrologers. We are connecting you with these experts on phone calls, chats and Video calls to get answers of your problems.

We have always been apprised/ emphasized by Guru ji that astrology is a science and we must learn astrology in scientific and statistical manner. Besides this his idea is to impart knowledge of astrology to every one so that no one could be trapped by any forged astrologer.

Jyotish can be a Vidhya for marg darshan for example decision of subjects in deciding type of education, the field in which one can rise in life, its use in understanding psychology and philosophy of life. Psychology is incomplete without astrology that’s why he gave us an idea of Astro-psychology which is going to be very helpful in life.

Dev vaani Astro solutions Management astrologer has more than 20 years of research experience in the different fields of astrology.

You may rely on Dev Vaani for astrological literature that is incredibly accurate, exact, and thoroughly researched, which will ease most of your concerns